A B2B business (business to business) does not market directly to the general public. They only target the specific organization types that would purchase their products or services. (Examples include: Bulk industrial supply manufacturers or fabricators that create products for sale to retailers.) Think of a manufacturer that builds electronic circuit boards for RV’s (recreational vehicles) They only sell to RV dealers, service centers and distributors. Those retailers will ultimately sell a final product to the general public.
Suggested Options
- Sign up for your free Granza networking account. Using the RV example above, for your own company organization type, choose “RV or Recreational Vehicle Parts Supplier”. Using the ad targeting option, choose “Recreational Vehicle Sales and Service”, so your ad will only be seen by those types of companies.
- Add your New Granza User Sign Up Invitation Page link to your business website so anyone can get their own free networking account through you. Those Level 1 referrals are always your key to going viral. New users are always asked to join your email subscriber list too.
- No matter what kind of business signs up for a free account through you, only those with the organization type “Recreational Vehicle Sales and Service” will see your ad. Of course, somewhere down your viral chain there may be RV dealers that will join Granza and see your ad. That’s how the system works.
- Because your company mails out an actual product, include a business card or use your custom Granza flyer, which offers a free Granza networking account to anyone. Put your QR code on the back of your card with the text, “Get free networking for your business”.
- To stay in touch, use the Granza email marketing system for your customers and prospects. As you do, the link at the bottom of the emails will get you new Level 1 Granza users.
- Email or print out your custom flyer for new Granza user signups. Along with your business card, use them at presentations, networking events, etc.
- Consider using a premium outside ad with your free viral ad, since your target market is limited. Premium outside ads give you immediate visibility to your target market everywhere in the country.
- Existing users should invite new users from anywhere, since they may have customers in your service area. However, your own business ad must only target your actual service area. Example: A single restaurant advertising nationally will generally not be approved. On the other hand, for some businesses, having a statewide or a national presence makes perfect sense. We may provide you with alternate suggestions.
- Know all the ways to invite others to sign up for a free Granza networking account.
Suggested reading: How Does Someone Sign Up Under Me So They Will See My Advertisement?