The alphabetized list below contains general information and links to more detailed help files.
You will always know where you are within the help system by looking at the “breadcrumbs” near the top of the web page. Breadcrumbs are a visual representation of our help system’s structure. In the example below, “Home” and “Using The Help System” are clickable links. Your current location within the help system is always shown, like in the sample image below.
Advertisement Blocking Rules:
The Granza users you have referred will only see your ad, plus 3 other non competing user ads. This means no competition will be seen by you as well as all throughout your 4 downline levels. Your default settings are set to block all competing ads from all sources.
Address Bar:
The address bar is the home of the URL, or website address. In many browsers, the address bar also functions as a search box. It is located at the top of the browser.
Ad History:
These are the past user ads that you have seen. The link to “Ad History” is located in your dashboard above the 4 ads.
Pay close attention to the alerts icon located at the top right of your dashboard. Those are important issues that need to be resolved.
The act of authentication or authenticating, refers to security certificates that pass through the standard of SSL. Specifically, it refers to the act of verifying the authenticity of a certificate versus a security hash (which can be anything, such as a credit card number or a password).
B2B and B2C:
B2B means marketing your business to another business while B2C means marketing your business directly to the consumer. Granza works perfectly no matter who your target audience is. Some businesses do both. Check out suggested Granza options for various business organization types.
A backlink is a link given by another blogger or website owner to your own website. This is usually done in a reciprocal manner, often to improve SEO (search engine optimization) purposes.
Blogging or Blog:
Blogs are online journals that are updated frequently. These updates, also called an entry or a post, are usually fairly short. Readers can respond to an entry online. Blogs contain excellent information that help you maximize your use of Granza. Feel free to use the Granza blog.
A bookmark, or a favorite, is something that is saved for later. This is most often used in browsers where visitors bookmark a website for quicker access.
Bounce Rate:
The bounce rate is defined as the number of email bounces divided by the total number of unique views.
A cache is a small file which is saved on a computer or server that is meant to help non-local files load quicker by accessing locally stored content. For example, after you visit a website once, the browser will cache the logo on your computer so that it doesn’t have to download it each time you go to a new page that uses the same logo, allowing the webpage to load faster.
Can-Spam Act:
Sending unsolicited emails, known as spam, is against Granza’s Terms And Conditions Of Use as well as the CAN-SPAM Act. The CAN-SPAM Act is a U.S. law regulating commercial emails.
CAPTCHA is a method of determining the difference between a human and a bot operator. There is an image of a CAPTCHA box to the right. What it does is ensure that the person typing text into the form is actually a person and not a bot.
Campaign or Email Marketing Campaign:
An email campaign is a coordinated set of email marketing messages delivered at various times and designed to motivate subscribers (your email contacts) to a call for action. Examples are to purchase a product or service, download something, subscribe to another list or campaign, contact you, etc. To create a campaign, you must first have email subscribers (contacts), on a list. After that, go to your campaigns menu to get started.
A certificate is a digital assurance measure which tells both ends of the digital transaction (Client and Server) that the destination is legitimate. These are transferred through SSL, which allows the client and the server to know that the certificate is legitimate. This is a method of securing transactions on the Internet.
Clean List:
This means to clean a subscriber list, also known as email verification. A service scans your list to identify invalid addresses. The results vary between companies and is never 100%. Most list cleaning operations do not remove the invalid addresses for you. They will note which addresses are least likely to be delivered successfully, and expect you to remove those addresses from the list yourself. Sending to “bad” emails can flag you as a spammer. Spammers are not allowed on Granza.
Click Rate:
A click is the tracking of a link clicked within an email received by an email subscriber. The average click rate is the total number of clicks divided by the total number of emails sent to your subscribers.
The Cloud is the term given to information stored, accessed, and coded on remote servers. The cloud can be used to store information, transfer it between clients, use digital applications, and more.
Cost Per Click:
Cost Per Click (or CPC) is an abbreviation which denotes how an advertiser (Granza user) is charged for a Granza premium advertisement. In this case, they are charged only when a visitor clicks on the ad, not for every visitor that simply views the ad. You can choose CPC or CPM for your premium ads.
Cost Per Thousand:
CPM is an abbreviation for cost per thousand impressions (user views) of a Granza premium advertisement. In this case, an advertiser (Granza user) is charged based on the number of impressions (per 1000). You can choose CPC or CPM for your premium ads.
Below is a sample Granza user dashboard. From here, you can easily navigate throughout the entire Granza networking system.
DKIM and SPF Authentication:
Adding authentication information to your domain means your emails are much more likely to get through to your email subscribers. Maintaining a positive reputation for your domain builds trust, affecting whether your emails are caught by spam filters and how quickly the receiving servers will accept email from your domain.
DNS, or Domain Name System, is the system that translates an IP address to a domain name, like Every single web location on the Internet has an IP address or location. DNS settings basically tell the DNS servers which IP address corresponds to that domain name. When you change hosts, your IP address will change because you are changing servers.
Downline, Upline:
Both a downline and an upline are only comprised of users that were referred by other Granza users. A downline is comprised of your own Level 1 Granza referrals, plus the 3 additional levels below them. (See image) All of those users will see your ad, subject to ad blocking rules. An upline are the 4 Granza user ads above you, if any. By default, we block any competing ads from all sources unless you choose otherwise. Premium outside ads can appear to all users, there are less than 4 levels above you. These are not part of any downline or upline. That said, the ad blocking applies to them as well. Use the Viral Calculator to estimate the average of what your overall downline will do. This is how Granza’s viral magic works.
An editor, including a user friendly WYSIWYG editor (what you see is what you get), allows you easily edit what you see. Our HTML editor allows you to make updates and changes using the code itself. Granza’s editor is available when you are working with email templates, within your email marketing campaigns.
Email List:
An email list is also known as a subscriber or contact list. A subscriber enters their information into the fields created by you, which is stored in their profile. When you use the list for a campaign, the system will automatically enter that email subscriber’s specific information. With a subscriber’s permission, you can add them to your mailing list.
Email Marketing:
Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. Every email sent could be considered email marketing. With current technologies, email marketing gives you far greater benefits for the cost than any other media. You cannot send an email anyone without their permission. They must subscribe to your emailing list(s), otherwise it is a violation of our Terms And Conditions Of Use.
Encryption is the process of securing or encoding messages or data so that only someone with authorization can access it. Unlike a firewall, it doesn’t prevent hackers from stealing the data, but instead prevents them from reading it without some sort of encryption key to unlock the data’s true form.
A firewall is a software barrier that prevents unauthorized access to a computer system. It can also prevent users on a network from accessing certain places outside of the network.
A follower is a person on a social networking site which subscribes to another person’s stream of content. “Follower” is specifically what Twitter calls people who subscribe to a particular person’s stream of Tweets. Other social sites can use different terms, like “friends” on Facebook.
A footer is the bottom element of a web page or email. Most sites use this area for copyright messages and sender contact info.
Heat Map:
Granza provides two 2 types of heat maps. One shows where your Granza downline users are located and what level they are on. The other type shows where each of your advertisements are being seen. A more detailed article about heat maps is here.
Hosting is simply the space that stores all the data that makes up a website. Web hosts store data on servers and distribute that data in the form of websites to visitors around the world.
HTML is a web coding standard; in fact it is the main web coding standard. It is responsible for the structure of the website, namely things like headings, paragraphs and links. Its counterpart, CSS, takes care of the styling of those elements. You can use HTML while working with our email templates.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol:
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (or HTTP) is the system that the other protocols use to link locations on the web. In technical terms, it is the protocol the Internet (and the services that run it) use to request and send hypertext documents (HTML). The standard was passed in 1999, by the World Wide Web Consortium and the Internet Engineering Task Force.
Hyperlink, or Link:
A hyperlink is a link (or actionable button) which can be clicked on. That button or link will then take the user to another location. These are most usually used on the Internet, and known simply as links, though other platforms like PowerPoint, Word and PDF editing software use them as well for linking to local files and locations within documents.
Image Size Requirements:
All final Granza ad images result in 100px wide, by 100px tall. For best results, design an ad image with the dimensions of at least 400px by 400px before uploading. All images are cropped to a square. Make sure the initial file size does not exceed 1MB (1,024kb).
IP Address:
IP Address stands for Internet Protocol Address. It is a numerical address that gets assigned to any connected device, like a computer. Just as you would address a letter to send by regular mail, computers use IP address to send data to specific computers.
Internet Service Provider, or ISP, is the name given to a company that provides internet services to businesses and consumers. Examples in the U.S. include Comcast, Verizon and Charter.
Latency describes the amount of time a single data packet (made up of bytes) takes to get from one Internet node to another. It is measured in milliseconds. It is usually associated with the delay between you requesting something from a server and actually seeing the server deliver your request.
A Granza networking term indicating where a user’s downline users are located. Viral levels go from Level 1 (people you have directly referred to Granza for a free networking account) to Level 4 below you. You are not involved beyond your Level 1 referrals because it is all automatic from there. To see a real world example of viral mechanics, click here.
Level 1 Referrals:
Getting your Level 1 referrals is the most important thing you need to do and your key to going viral. Even though it doesn’t take much, mathematically speaking, the more the better. These are new users that sign up for their own free Granza networking account by your direct referral. Every user gets to grow their businesses the same exact way-by getting their own Level 1 referrals. This starts a downline viral networking chain for themselves and continues yours, without you doing a thing. It is not necessary that everyone in your downline have the same level of success. Some will do a little and some will do a lot. Every user should offer to help their own Level 1 users use Granza. It’s just another incentive for them to join through you. Use the Viral Calculator to estimate the AVERAGE of what your believe your overall downline will do. That is how the magic works.
Limit Downline To Level 1 Only:
(Not to be confused with Target Downline Only, which only applies to premium viral ads) Your ad visibility only goes to your Level 1 users, then it stops. You would select this option for a couple of different reasons. See below.
Example 1: A franchisor that only wants their information to be seen by their franchisees. The franchisees join Granza using the franchisor’s promo code. (They become Level 1 Referrals.) Their own use of Granza is not affected. The franchisor’s information will not be seen beyond the franchisees. This is because advertising to the general public is not their marketing goal. Business Scenario #3 provides a more detailed explanation.
Example 2: A sales manager that only wants his/her information to be seen by their salespeople. The manager wants to be visible to the salespeople, but not beyond that. Advertising is done by each salesperson. They all join using the manager’s promo code. Use of Granza by the salespeople would not be affected.
List Fields:
List fields are areas of specific information in your email. Sample fields can include the date, time, a Yes/No box, address, link, dropdown, image and a lot more.
Merge Tags:
Adding merge tags allows you to easily include a customer’s first name, company name, birthday, or any other collected information when you are sending out your campaigns. The information comes from the subscriber list sign up form they used to join. This is a great way to personalize your message while automating the process. More information on merge tags here.
New Granza User Signup Invitation Page:
This is where your new Granza users would join for a free networking account. This way, they will see your advertisement in various places within their networking account. More information is located here. (NOT to be confused with your Subscriber List Signup Page)
Open Rate:
Your email open rate for each subscriber can only be measured when you send html emails (with images), and when the subscriber downloads them. Actual read rates are typically higher because subscribers can still read and enjoy your emails without downloading the images. This means that tracking cannot be recorded.
Opt Out:
This occurs when a current or potential subscriber (email contact) decides they do not to receive any emails from you.
Organization Type:
One of the ways Granza knows who our users are is by the type of organization their business is in. It simply means the type of business you are in. The organization type you chose when you signed up for your Granza networking account is located on your user Profile page. When you use the Granza advertising system, you can choose who and how to target other users.
Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, credit card or bank information by disguising oneself as a trustworthy sender or entity in an email.
Premium Outside Ad:
Applies only to premium Granza ads. It simply means that this ad will be seen without the requirement of having to recommend a free Granza networking account to new users. You can create as many of these as you wish, for different advertising or networking purposes. To create a premium outside ad, do not check the box “Go Viral (Target Downline Only)” when creating the ad, otherwise it will be considered a premium viral ad. Learn more about the Granza ad options.
Pricing only applies to the premium services. This includes ads and subscriber list size. For ads, pricing is based on cost per click (CPC) or cost per 1000 impressions (CPM). Ad pricing is based on the specific organization types you choose. If you choose multiple organization types, an average is shown as an estimate. More about pricing here. An email subscriber list beyond 2,100 is a premium feature.
Promo Code:
When you first join Granza, you choose your own unique promo code “name” up to 20 characters long, such as BESTRESTAURANT, FLORIDAVACATIONS or KAY4LOANS. So for example, then becomes your exclusive web address and link to your New Granza User Signup Invitation page. Granza automatically generates your QR code at the same time. These and other methods do the exact same thing.
QR Code:
Short for “quick response code”. Like a bar code image, scanning the image takes a person to a specific web page. When scanned, your Granza QR code takes them to your New Granza User Signup Invitation page. This and other methods do the exact same thing. Sample QR code:
RECAPTCHA is a system similar to CAPTCHA which allows computer servers and websites to determine if the submission of a form is coming from a user or a bot. Bots can’t read through the reCAPTCHA, so they will not be able to submit the form. It is a method of preventing spam on internet forms.
Responsive Design:
Responsive design refers to a specific design paradigm which is becoming more and more popular on the Internet. It allows for a better website view on various devices. Responsive design websites can look different depending on what size screen it is being viewed on (smartphone vs. computer screen, for example).
Search Engine Optimization:
Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) is the act of optimizing a website in order to rank higher in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS) when a user searches for a related keyword or term. Good SEO techniques include building strong back links from other websites, and publishing unique, well written content on a regular basis.
Search Engine Marketing:
Search Engine Marketing is the paid version of SEO. Where SEO uses practices like integrating the keywords to appear in the search results, SEM instead pays search engine companies to be included in those search results with platforms like Google AdWords.
A session is a time frame set aside where two systems (computers/servers) are in communication. An example is when you are logged into your bank’s website. If you wait too long between interactions with the web page, your log in will terminate for your protection. This is a session “timeout” and you will need to log in again.
Social Media Marketing:
Social media marketing is the act of using a social network for marketing purposes. Usually this entails distributing your content on the major social networks, building your web of influence, and getting your audience to click on links back to your landing pages and websites.
Spam is used to refer to email messages that are either malicious or solicitous in manner. Either way, they are unwanted and not asked for by the user. Granza does not allow users to send spam. It is also a violation of Granza’s Terms and Conditions of Use.
SSL or secure sockets layer, is a protocol used on the Internet to secure Internet transactions via certificate authorizations. Each end of a SSL transaction needs to have the proper identification in order for the transaction to remain secure. SSL will also manage encryption of the data that is being sent between the client and the server.
Numerous statistics are available for your review. They will give you the feedback you need.
Someone has has joined an email marketing list. Also known as an email contact. To add a subscriber, create an mailing list, then follow the easy steps.
Subscriber Lists:
These are web pages that allow someone to subscribe to one of your email marketing lists. (NOT to be confused with your New Granza User Signup Invitation Page.) Subscriber lists are also known as mailing lists. Create separate lists to best target the varied interests of your subscribers. You can print out these lists and use them for subscribers when the internet is not readily available. Later, transfer the information to that list in your user dashboard.
Emailing information that is of interest to a subscriber will substantially decrease your number of email opt outs and increase the overall effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Before you can send an email, a subscriber must have provided you with permission to join that list.
Target Downline Only:
(NOT to be confused with Limit To Downline Level 1 Only, which only applies to free viral ads) Target Downline Only ONLY applies as a Premium ad option. Selecting this option will treat the ad exactly the same as a free viral ad, but with the additional premium features. If you do not check this box for this option, it will be treated as an outside premium ad. To compare Granza ad options, click here.
Target Specific Organization Types:
By default, ads target all organization types. A free ad can target all, or a maximum of two specific organization types. A premium can target all or any number of organization types. Choosing proper targeting of your ad is smart. You only want inquiries from potential customers. This is especially important with premium ads, since you are paying for clicks (CPC) or thousand impressions (CPM). If you choose one organization type to target, the exact CPC and CPM costs will be shown. An average cost will be shown if you choose more than one. As you move through the ad creation wizard, CPC and CPM will be one of your options. To compare Granza ad types, click here.
Templates (Email):
These pertain to Granza’s professional email templates. We provide you with a wide variety of customizable choices that will impress your subscribers. Selection of templates is done while using campaigns.
A URL or Uniform Resource Locator, is the reference to a location on the Internet. This comes in the form of a top level domain like It has three parts, the URL protocol identifier (which is usually http://), the prefix (www.) the domain name (yahoo), and the domain suffix (.com usually).
This is when a current subscriber, (email contact), decides that they no longer wish to receive emails from the sender. This is done electronically when the subscriber clicks the link that is required in all your emails.
Verified Email:
Granza requires that you verify your “from” email address before you can send out an email campaign. It is part of the campaign wizard. You need to use your own business email address. Domains from free email providers like,,,,, etc., cannot be used. This is to ensure your emails do not bounce or go to spam. This is also to ensure that Granza maintains a good reputation as an email marketer. You can, however, use the entire ad system, even with a free email account.
Verified Domain:
Granza requires that you verify your business domain before you can send out an email campaign. It is part of the campaign wizard. Domains from free email providers like,,,,, etc., cannot be used. This is to ensure your emails do not bounce or go to spam. This is also to ensure that Granza maintains a good reputation as an email marketer. You can, however, use the entire ad system, even with a free email account.
Viral Ad:
A Granza networking term whereby a user’s ad will create exponential growth for their business. It occurs with only a few referred users. As a user recommends a free Granza networking account to others, more and more users automatically will see their ad. This translates into more business. Here are the variety of easy ways that happens. Get ideas on how to use Granza for your business here. It is not necessary that everyone in your downline have the same level of success. Some will do a little and some will do a lot. Use the Viral Calculator to estimate the AVERAGE of what your overall downline will do. That is how the magic works. The Go viral calculator is located in the “Create Ad” page at the top right of the screen.
A widget is a small HTML/CSS instance that is outside of the main content of a webpage. Most are placed in the sidebar or footer of a website, and add functionality. Primary examples are social share buttons.
Granza contains a variety of easy to use wizards for creating your ads, subscriber lists, campaigns and importing a subscriber list.
WYSIWYG stands for What You See is What You Get. With this editor, Granza allows you to easily type in text, add graphics, dynamic tags and widgets, etc, into email templates. It gives you a preview of what it will look like as you work. It is an alternative to an HTML editor, which requires that the user knows HTML code.