This is a single business location that provides products or services to customers and prospects on a local basis only. Anything beyond their service area would waste business resources. (Examples include: Restaurants, grocery stores, golf courses, local hardware store, computer repair, most other local retail stores)
Suggested Options
- As with any scenario, email your current subscribers and offer them a free Granza networking account.
- Contact other non competing businesses you know, and offer them a free account using your custom Granza flyer or the QR code on your phone. No matter where they are located, they may have local customers for you.
- Have some custom Granza flyers available by your cash register.
- Existing users should invite new users from anywhere, since they may have customers in your service area. However, your own business ad must only target your actual service area. Example: A single restaurant advertising nationally will generally not be approved. On the other hand, for some businesses, having a statewide or a national presence makes perfect sense. We may provide you with alternate suggestions.
- Know all the ways to invite others to sign up for a free Granza networking account.
Suggested reading: How Does Someone Sign Up Under Me So They Will See My Advertisement?