Granza user statistics are provided in four separate categories:
- Email Campaigns
- Lists
- Advertising
- Downline Viral Activity
Email Campaigns
Click “My Campaigns” under the Campaigns drop down menu in your dashboard. Click “View Stats” next to a campaign to see up to the minute details. This information includes successful deliveries, rates for bounces, opens, click throughs, abuse and unsubscribes. Subscribes and unsubscribes can be emailed as they occur. Full campaign statistics are emailed weekly. (Read more about Email Campaigns.)
Click “My Lists” under the Lists drop down menu in your dashboard. Click “View Stats” in the drop down menu to the right of “List Settings” to see more detailed information. This information includes rates for average opens, click throughs, subscribes and unsubscribes. (Read more about Lists.)
Click “Ad Statistics” under the Ads drop down menu in your dashboard. Each ad has its own statistics which are emailed weekly or viewed live. Additionally, each ad has its own heat map. Click “View” to the far right to bring it up. Pay attention to the activity each ad is getting. This will help to ensure whether or not an ad is being effective. Your goal is to get more business, not to waste resources and spend money needlessly. (Read more about Heat Maps.)
Downline Viral Activity
Click “Downline Activity” in your dashboard. These statistics let you know where your viral advertisement is being seen by your downline users. Your downline user activity heat map gives you a visual indicator. Every user has 4 levels in their downline where their viral ad has visibility. Remember, getting your Level 1 referrals is the most important and the only thing you need to do to go viral and increase your business. Everything else is automated.
Suggested reading: How Does Someone Sign Up Under Me So They Will See My Ad?