Promo Code:
- When you first join Granza, you create your promo code “name” up to 20 characters long, such as “bestrestaurant”, “floridavacations” or “lender1”. Your promo code must be at least 4 characters in length, contain no spaces or special characters. So for example, becomes your exclusive web address and direct link to your New Granza User Signup Invitation Page.
- Every user has a unique promo code. It represents your entire networking profile and automates your business success. It is in both your exclusive signup link and QR code (sample below). The primary thing it does is to drive new Granza users to sign up for their own free networking account under you. New users that sign up under you become your Level 1 referrals and are the key to going viral. Granza’s viral technology is the easiest way to expand your business with very little effort.
- New Granza users can sign up with or without using your promo code. If they do not enter a code during the initial signup process, they will still be asked who referred them after they get to their user dashboard. They would simply enter your promo code “name”. Any user can see who referred them by clicking on their user name at the top right of their dashboard and selecting “Who referred you” in the dropdown menu.
- Additionally, Granza automatically embeds your promo code into your own QR code. Just like your exclusive signup link, it sends everyone to your New Granza User Signup Invitation Page.
QR Code:
Using the sample promo code Lender1, your promo code would be linked to:
- Your QR code
- Your special sign up link:
- Your promo code name: Lender1
Your promo code appears in many places throughout your Granza networking account.
Suggested reading: How Does Someone Sign Up Under Me So They Will See My Advertisement?